Every business must have an accident book in which all accidents and injuries must be recorded, no matter how trivial.
The accident book must be kept readily available to all employees. However, to comply with Data Protection, completed sheets must be removed. We recommend that these be kept in the employee’s personnel file to reduce the risk of losing them.
The accident book only records basic information. For more serious incidents we strongly recommend that the company carry out a full accident investigation which should include photographs and witness statements. This will prove invaluable if ever there is an investigation by the HSE, or a liability claim against the company.
We can do this on your behalf, feel free to contact us for further information.
Some more serious accidents, incidents and industrial diseases must be reported to the HSE under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations). This is a legal requirement. A definitive list of what (or isn’t) reportable is available on the HSE website or contact us for further assistance.